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Infrastructure update


     Updating of Toronto's age old infrastructure are a top priority to me. Citizens do not experience refreshing city and public work such as paving the roads. For example, the current sewage system cannot handle heavy rains which flood the streets and homes. You can recall the winter storm of 2013 which also devastated many parts of Toronto including Willowdale. I'll ensure the timely maintenance of the roads and traffic lines are clearly visible all throughout the year. And start a project to bury hydro lines.




     Make an emergency hot line and a backup plan- With all these developed high tech society, we are still vulnerable when mother nature hits the earth. We learned from winter storm 2013 of how important it is to have backup generators and hot lines to update the people about the weather and emergency services.


  • I'll suggest 8 minimum billboards in each ward with hot lines connected so residents can be updated with the needed information.

  • Create the funding that Supports building 1/3 of cost for emergency solar backup generating system. This will provide the minimum power for 20 regular days. Example for condo building - power to use 1 elevator, water, and minimum uses of stove and refrigerator and light in living room.

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